Kodiak Historical Society, P-1000-6-76 Temporary Exhibit Proposal Name *Email *Phone Number *Preferred Contact Method *E-mailPhoneExhibit Description: Please describe the exhibit's topic. Why is the topic significant to Kodiak? *What will visitors experience in the exhibit? Include example themes, narratives, images, and other ideas. *Please list partners/community members that may be involved in creating this exhibit. *Provide a statement as to how the exhibit connects to KHM's Mission. Our mission is to facilitate exploration of the natural, cultural, and artistic heritage of Kodiak Island and surrounding communities to create opportunities for the public to discover, share, and exchange knowledge using the collections and resources made available through the operation of the Kodiak History Museum. *Are there any scheduling requirements to take into consideration? If so, please explain. Exhibits are developed by the museum and key community partners over the course of a minimum of four (4) meetings. Partners are compensated for their time and effort through an honorarium. *Additional Comments and Questions MessageSubmit