Kodiak Historical Society, P-1000-5-401

Programs & Events

First Friday Artwalk: Friday, February 7th, 5:00-7:00pm
Join us for a Make Your Own Notecard event to celebrate National Send a Card to a Friend Day and Valentine’s Day. Stop by and make a notecard, valentine, or a card for another special occasion. Materials are provided. Free and open to the public. 

Partially Blind Contour Drawing Workshop: Saturday, February 22, 12:00-4:00pm
Join us for a Partially Blind Contour Drawing Workshop with Bonnie Dillard. Partially blind contour is when an artist draws an object or scene while only slightly glancing at the page they are drawing. This workshop is free for participants, with light refreshments provided, thanks to the support from the Kodiak Community Foundation.

Sign-ups are required and are first come, first served. To sign up for this workshop, visit https://forms.gle/Ke2r9CHLkws3BdVv7

Earring-Making Workshop: Saturday, March 1, 12:30-4:30pm
Join us for an Earring-Making Workshop with Qangyuk (Natalia) Schneider. Participants will learn how to make Ugashik-style earrings. This workshop is free for participants, with light refreshments provided, thanks to the support from the Kodiak Community Foundation.

Sign-ups are required and are first come, first served. To sign up for this workshop, visit https://forms.gle/FUToHehV5ZoUS1nT8

Questions about the events? Contact Curator, Lynn Walker, curator@kodiakhistorymuseum.org