Hunt, Fish, Gather, Grow:
Exploring Food Security on Kodiak
December 2020 – April 23rd 2022
A temporary exhibit co-curated with Bounty Farm & Kodiak Harvest, this exhibit kindled conversations about what it means to be food secure and connectedlocal producers, organizations, and information that support local nutritious food on Kodiak.
Aspects of food security wereparticularly recognizable duringthe first6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Quickly, we saw our island community lose access to foods such as flour, yeast, baby chicks, and other essential items in our lives. “It became all too real, all of the sudden not having access to these items,” says Janelle. Solinger Judy Hamilton notes, “living on an island, our [food supply] chain is so easily interrupted as we are unique and vulnerable in terms of geography…knowing how our foods are handled from start to finish is important; there is security there in the development of these skills.”
Visitors to the exhibit wereable to learnabout Kodiak food producers, see historic objects used in food harvesting and production, and explore how to become more food secure through recipe sharing and activities. Also on exhibit wasartwork Nuna Ling’ak’gyarauwarpetby Cassey Rowland, exploring “the cultural ways of using the resources on the island and how people who are using them nowadays could learn from the elders or the locals who have been here for a long time.”