Apr 5, 2020
Safeway is trying to solve the toilet paper shortage by repackaging rolls and holding some back to make sure there’s enough for everyone. $3.99 for four rolls.
Apr 4, 2020
The governor ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses. Kodiak is very quiet.
Apr 3, 2020
Zoya Herrnsteen shared this haiku with us. Thanks, Zoya! Who else is creating beautiful things at home? Don’t forget to share them with us for the Day by Day Project!
Apr 2, 2020
Many establishments have put tape markers on the floor to help customers remember to keep six feet apart.
Apr 1, 2020
Restaurants and places that provide food are considered essential services and allowed to stay open during this time. The Chamber of Commerce released a list of places where you can still grab a bite in Kodiak.
Mar 31, 2020
Many of the supplies need to combat COVID-19 are in high demand and in short supply. This Facebook post is from March 25th, 2020.